Matching Up Pros & Clients
We’re here to make finding a professional pro bono service provider as easy and as simple as possible. Just follow the steps below, and you’re on your way. Keep in mind that our list of generous pros is always changing and growing, so post your request and check back often!
Tell us what kind of help you need and why! Include as much information as you can. Your project description should give prospective pros enough information to determine if they are qualified to perform the work, and what your immediate needs are.
It’s also helpful to include a little information about why you need this work performed on a pro bono basis.
Now’s the time to find the pro that’s right for you. After you post your request, we’ll notify qualified pros who work in the same industry that are looking to volunteer their time. Pros who think they can help will let you know by indicating that they’re interested in your job. Once you get notified that one or more pros are interested in helping you, you can start a discussion about your needs.
Once the two of you arrive at an agreement, you can choose your pro and your request will be removed from the job listings. Now it’s time to get to work! Define the scope of your project carefully to make sure both parties have the same expectations. Then you can work together within the Joe Pro Bono messaging system to complete the project, or exchange contact info and take your collaboration off-site.
When the job’s done, come back to your Joe Pro Bono dashboard. Mark your job as complete—you’ll be prompted to rate your experience with your pro. This helps us keep improving our service, and also gives high-performing pros a chance to shine.